Website Design

Over the years, I have independently learned as much as I could about the process of setting up and maintaining websites. From registering a domain and implementing functional designs, to online marketing and analyzing traffic patterns – each property takes on a life of its own. With every industry possessing different attributes that are ultimately defined by the end user, facilitating meaningful experiences remains at the core of a functional website.

“What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional.” -Cameron Moll

From the early days of Angelfire, I always wanted to create an online home and cultivate distinct followings. Eventually committing  to the WordPress platform, the open community, seemingly infinite plugins, and the ability to customize nearly any and all elements, hooked me immediately. The straightforward interface, lent itself to replicating successful workflows with the intent of shortening the distance between the initial click and a desired action.

Though it may be hard to believe, free themes can be configured to suit any every need. From ecommerce storefronts to frameworks for personal and professional reputation management, the intuitive nature of WordPress affords flexibility to focus on the the most important traffic driver of all – the end message.

The site you are currently viewing, was actually a free template from Though originally intended for illustrators, photographers and graphic designers, I was able to modify the elements in order to highlight my specific areas of expertise. Attached below is an overview of other sites that I have developed through WordPress:

Under construction…